Popular Domestic Cat Breeds

Abyssinian cats are some of the most friendly cats you can find. They actually like swimming and are very playful. They are also very loving and loyal, like many on this list. They, however, are usually loving and loyal to most people and not just their owners.

cat breed picturesThis sacred cat of Burma has a stocky build and a thick coat that rarely gets matted. Its front paws have white gloves while the back ones wear a lace pattern. Their ears are wide, eyes are large and tail is muscular. This is a talkative, active breed that thrives on attention.

Another popular cat breed is the Oriental. They’re very intelligent cats and require your attention all the time. Be prepared for trouble if you leave them alone for extended periods of time. They’re also very curious which makes it even worse.

Turkish van – it is originated in the region of Turkey’s Lake Van. This is a natural breed that sports a full, brush-like tail that is soft as cashmere. The Van is usually all white with colored marking in the head and cat breeds pictures tail area.

You can use a soft washcloth or cotton square dipped in tepid water to clean the area. You should hold the head of the cat and wipe this cloth across its lower eyelid. You should be careful as you may land up rubbing the eyeball causing discomfort to the cat. The moisture softens the eye matter and the above step needs to be repeated till the eye is completely cleaned. When you are cleaning your cat ensure that you use a fresh section of the cloth each time.

Sometimes problems with other animals in the house, like an aggressive older cat or a constantly chasing dog can lead to behavioral problems. Much like the child who acts out after being bullied, your cat may be dealing with those issues in the same way.

The American Shorthair is extremely popular with families, as they tend to be very affectionate and friendly. The American shorthair originally was a working breed, mostly for mouse hunting, which explains the agile muscular structure and short hair. They do need a little exercise, but most are quite content being a lap cat breeds list.

Siamese cats are also very popular. They have markings in their hair that make them very distinct. They also have slender bodies and very elegant posture.

The Cat Fancier’s Association classifies the Abyssinian as a part of the Championship Class, along with thirty six other cat breeds. This breed is often smaller than many other All Cat Breeds, weighing in at only nine to sixteen pounds.

This breed is very graceful and quite slender. Oval shaped feet sit at the end of their slim legs. The distinctive markings on the coat are known as points. These shaded patches are found on the muzzle, ears, tail, and feet. Breeders have produced several variations of the points. Some of these are the Blue Point, Seal Point, Chocolate Point, and Lilac Point. These names refer to the color of the markings and other fur. When Siamese kittens are born, they are completely white. They will remain white for several months before their points start becoming visible. To determine the color points before they are visible on the fur you can look at the pads of the paws. Gray pads indicate Blue Point, light brown pads indicate Chocolate Point, and pink pads mean you have a Lilac Point on your hands.
